- Independent medical exams in Colorado conducted by a practicing orthopedic surgeon. Based in Colorado Springs, traveling services available.
- Flat fee (for records < 250 pages)
- Very reasonable rates
- We can offer scheduling within 1 week of payment and receiving records
- Direct access to the doctor for quick and efficient communication
- Honest exams and opinions, we are not affiliated with any third parties
At Easy Orthopedics we are happy to provide honest independent medical evaluations. Our value is based on our accurate diagnosis and honesty. We are not affiliated with any third parties, and pride ourselves in offering true independent medical evaluations. Communication is important to us, so know that if you decide to use Easy Orthopedics for your IME needs, you will have direct access to the doctor through personal phone number and email.
What does an IME doctor do?
IME stands for independent medical evaluation or exam. An IME doctor is supposed to offer an honest medical opinion for a patient, based on the records they review, and their exam of the patient which includes a history and physical. An IME differs a little from a normal doctor’s appointment in that the doctor does not form a treatment plan or plan on seeing the patient back again. They are simply making their best medical opinion based on the information that they have. When they are done they write up the results of the IME in a report. This report is considered a legal document and not technically part of a patient’s medical record, and can only be given to the party that requested the IME. Other parties can get a copy of the IME report, but they need to get it through the party that originally requested it.
What happens when my IME doctor disagrees with my doctor?
It may happen that the IME doctor disagrees with your personal doctor. It is not uncommon for doctors to disagree among themselves, even those in the same specialty. Ideally, the IME doctor will not pick a side and truly report what they honestly believe. However, this isn’t always the case, and some IME doctors are known for only siding with one type of party, such as insurance companies or attorneys. At Easy Orthopedics, we don’t side with anyone, we only offer truly independent medical evaluations. If your IME doctor does disagree with your personal doctor, it will then be up to the two disagreeing parties to settle everything out. The IME doctor should not be involved in this process.
What is an IME for worker’s comp?
An IME for worker’s comp is an independent medical exam that a party requests for a patient who is involved in a worker’s comp claim. It is not much different than a regular IME, except that depending on the state there will likely be more requirements that the doctor has to follow.
Who pays for an IME?
An IME is not normally paid by the patient. Commonly, the party that requests the IME is the one to pay for it. Attorneys and insurance companies will commonly request an IME’s and therefore pay for them in advance. It is very rare for the patient in question to pay for the IME themselves.
Interested in obtaining an independent medical exam for your client by a practicing orthopedic surgeon? We are based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, but can travel if need be with price based on distance. Contact below for questions and pricing.