What if a rotator cuff tear is not repaired?

If a rotator cuff tear is not repaired, it may stay the same size or grow larger. Rotator cuff tears usually don’t heal on their own, but many with rotator cuff tears can regain good function of their shoulder with physical therapy and injections, even if there is a tear. For those with a rotator cuff tear who still have pain after nonoperative management, a rotator cuff repair can be a good option. Here at Easy Orthopedics in Colorado Springs, we frequently see patients with rotator cuff tears, and try to get them better without surgery if at all possible.

Can you live with a rotator cuff tear without surgery?

You can certainly live with a rotator cuff tear without surgery. If the tear is only a partial thickness rotator cuff tear, meaning that it doesn’t go all the way through the rotator cuff, then the rotator cuff is still functioning in some capacity. If you have a partial thickness rotator cuff tear and don’t have any pain, then there is nothing to do about it. If you have a partial thickness rotator cuff tear and do have pain, then it is worth trying physical therapy and injections before proceeding with surgery. If you have a full thickness tear and are older, and it doesn’t bother you too much, then you usually can observe it. If you have a full thickness rotator cuff tear and it bothers you, or you are younger, then it may be worth getting it surgically repaired.

What happens if you wait too long for rotator cuff surgery?

If you wait too long for rotator cuff surgery, then the muscles that supply the rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis) can atrophy because they are not being used. What this means is that even if the rotator cuff is repaired, it will not function properly because the muscles that power it have atrophied. Waiting longer than one year to repair a rotator cuff results in a higher rate of it failing, needing a revision repair. This is because an old rotator cuff tear is weaker than a new rotator cuff tear, and has a higher probability of falling apart after surgical repair. Leaving a large rotator cuff tear for too long will also result in shoulder arthritis that could lead to a shoulder replacement in the future.

Is torn rotator cuff surgery worth it?

A rotator cuff tear surgery can be worth it by eliminating your pain and improving function in your shoulder. However, everyone is different and it depends on what type of tear you have and how old you are. If you are on the younger side and have an acute full thickness tear (meaning that you did something and tore it all the way through), then surgery sooner rather than later is a good option. If you have a partial thickness tear or are older, then it is worth a trial of injections and physical therapy to see if you can get to a pain free state. If these do not work, then surgery is a decent option.

I hope we were able to answer some of your questions about what if a rotator cuff tear is not repaired. If you would like us to evaluate your rotator cuff tear, and in the Colorado area, contact us below to make an appointment with Easy Orthopedics.

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